How To Get a Kitten To Stop Chewing Cords

Kitten biting cords

If you have a kitten, you probably know how curious and playful they can be. Kittens love to explore their surroundings and sometimes, that curiosity can lead them to chew on things they shouldn’t, such as electrical cords. However, chewing cords can be dangerous for kittens and even adult cats. Let’s discuss why they do it, the risks involved, and how to get a kitten to stop chewing cords. First, the short answer:

You can get a kitten to stop chewing cords and wires by keeping them out of reach, distracting and entertaining your cat with toys, using bitter sprays, and training.

Now, let’s look at the topic in more detail.

Why Do Cats Chew on Cords?

Cats are naturally curious animals and often investigate their surroundings with their mouths. Like many other animals, they have a natural instinct to chew. In the wild, cats use their teeth to catch and kill prey. However, domestic cats don’t have the opportunity to hunt, so they may resort to chewing on objects in their environment.

Chewing cords can also be a form of play or a way for cats to relieve stress or boredom. Cats may find the texture and taste of cords appealing, leading them to chew on them. Additionally, chewing can help relieve discomfort associated with teething in kittens or dental issues in adult cats.

Why is My Kitten Chewing on Wires?

Kittens, in particular, are notorious for chewing on wires, and there are several reasons why they may do so. First, kittens are naturally curious and explore their environment with their mouths. They may be attracted to the texture and taste of wires and find them interesting objects to chew on.

Second, kittens may chew on wires as a way to relieve discomfort associated with teething. When kittens are teething, their gums can become sore and itchy. Chewing on wires or other objects can help relieve this discomfort and provide some relief.

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Third, kittens may chew on wires due to boredom or stress. Kittens have a lot of energy and need plenty of stimulation and playtime to keep them happy and healthy. If they are bored or stressed, they may turn to chewing on wires as a form of entertainment or stress relief.

Can Cats Get Hurt Chewing Cords?

Chewing on cords can be dangerous for cats, as it can lead to electrical shocks, burns, or even death. Electrical cords carry a current that can be lethal to cats if they chew through the insulation. When a cat chews on a cord, it can cause an electrical shock that can be dangerous and even deadly.

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If a cat chews through the insulation of a cord, it can cause a short circuit or even start a fire. This can put both the cat and the owner at risk. Ingesting bits of wire or plastic insulation can also cause digestive problems, including intestinal blockages, which can be life-threatening for cats.

How Do I Keep My Cat from Chewing on Cords?

Now that we’ve discussed the risks of cats chewing on cords, let’s talk about how to prevent it. Here are some tips to help keep your feline friend safe:

  1. Keep cords out of reach: The easiest way to prevent your cat from chewing on cords is to keep them out of reach. You can do this by hiding cords behind furniture or using cord covers.
  2. Distract your cat: Provide your cat with toys and other distractions to keep them occupied. This can help redirect their chewing behavior to more appropriate objects.
  3. Use bitter sprays: There are several bitter sprays on the market that are designed to deter cats from chewing on cords. These sprays have a bitter taste that cats find unpleasant, which can help discourage chewing behavior.
  4. Keep your cat entertained: Boredom can be a major reason why cats chew on cords. Providing your cat with plenty of toys and playtime can help prevent boredom and reduce the likelihood of chewing behavior.
  5. Consider crate training: If your cat is a persistent chewer, consider crate training. This can help keep your cat confined to a safe space where it can’t access cords or other potentially dangerous objects.
Joey with his mouse

Ugh, like it’s my fault I’m teething and cords are so darn tasty! I mean, have you even tried them? But apparently, my humans get all worried and think it’s dangerous or something. #EyeRoll #IllJustChewOnThisMouseInstead #ChewOnThis #TastyCords


How to Stop Cats from Chewing Cords

If your cat has already developed a habit of chewing on cords, here are some steps you can take to stop the behavior:

  1. Remove the cords: The first step in stopping your cat from chewing on cords is to remove them from their reach. This can be a temporary measure until you can find a more permanent solution.
  2. Use a deterrent: Bitter sprays or other deterrents can help discourage your cat from chewing on cords. Make sure to choose a product that is safe for your cat and won’t harm them if ingested.
  3. Provide alternative chewing options: Provide your cat with appropriate objects to chew on, such as toys or dental chews. This can help redirect their chewing behavior to more appropriate objects.
  4. Train your cat: You can train your cat to stop chewing on cords by using positive reinforcement. Whenever you catch your cat chewing on a cord, redirect their behavior to an appropriate object and reward them with praise and treats.
  5. Seek professional help: If your cat’s chewing behavior is persistent or severe, consider seeking help from a veterinarian or a professional animal behaviorist. They can help identify the underlying cause of the behavior and provide personalized solutions to stop it.

Do Kittens Grow Out of Biting Cords?

Kittens often grow out of their chewing behavior as they mature and their teeth fully develop. However, it’s important to remember that every cat is different and some may continue to chew on cords even as adults. Additionally, if chewing behavior is a result of boredom or stress, it may continue unless the underlying cause is addressed.


Cats chewing on cords can be dangerous for both the cat and the owner. However, there are several steps you can take to prevent and stop this behavior. By keeping cords out of reach, providing distractions and alternative chewing options, and seeking professional help if needed, you can keep your feline friend safe and happy. Remember, prevention is key when it comes to protecting your cat from electrical hazards.

How To Prevent Cats From Chewing Cords And Cables

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