What Do Cat Behaviorists Do?

Cat behaviorist

You’ve likely heard of dog trainers, but have you ever heard of cat behaviorists? These professionals delve into the mind of your feline friend, decoding behaviors, and solving issues that can improve your cat’s life—and yours, too!

Let’s do a deep dive into cat behaviorists and explore what they do, how they can help you and your furball, and when you should see one. But, first…

What Is a Cat Behaviorist?

Cat behaviorists are specialized professionals who study and analyze feline behavior, aiming to improve the lives of cats and their owners. They observe and evaluate cat behavior, identify issues such as aggression, fear, or litter box problems, and create customized strategies for behavior modification. They also educate cat owners, helping them understand their pets better, and often collaborate with veterinarians to ensure the overall well-being of the cat.

History and Evolution of Cat Behaviorism

Cat behaviorism, dedicated to studying and understanding feline behavior, is a relatively new field of expertise. Historically, people’s understanding of cat behavior was largely based on personal experiences, anecdotes, or misconceptions, rather than scientific studies. Cats, unlike dogs, were often seen as independent and less trainable creatures, which contributed to a slower development of professional cat behaviorism.

However, as our society started to keep cats as indoor companions more frequently, there arose a need to understand their behaviors better. This resulted in a growing interest in cat behaviorism towards the late 20th century. Pioneers in this field include individuals like Dr. Nicholas Dodman, a renowned veterinary behaviorist, who has contributed significantly to understanding both canine and feline behaviors.

Over the years, this profession has continued to evolve and expand, as researchers and professionals dig deeper into the complexities of feline behavior, striving to improve the lives of cats and their owners.

Education and Training of Cat Behaviorists

Entering the field of cat behaviorism typically requires extensive education and training. Aspiring cat behaviorists usually begin with a degree in a related field, such as animal behavior, psychology, or veterinary medicine. Some might even pursue a master’s degree in animal behavior. This gives them a strong foundational understanding of animal behaviors, learning processes, and the physiological aspects that influence these behaviors.

Beyond their degree, cat behaviorists often seek additional training or certifications to specialize in feline behavior. Numerous programs provide certifications, which may include practical training, internships, and comprehensive exams to ensure the behaviorist is well-equipped to handle various feline behaviors. This certification is a mark of professionalism and expertise in the field.

Because the field of animal behavior is constantly evolving, ongoing education is crucial. Many cat behaviorists regularly attend seminars, workshops, and conferences to stay up to date with the latest research and methodologies in feline behavior management.

Roles and Responsibilities of Cat Behaviorists

The roles and responsibilities of a cat behaviorist are multifaceted. Their main responsibility involves understanding and interpreting feline behavior. They observe and analyze a cat’s behavior within its environment, identifying patterns and problematic behaviors. This may involve watching the cat at home or reviewing videos provided by the cat owner. They look for triggers, symptoms of stress, and signs of medical issues that might be causing behavioral changes.

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Beyond analysis, cat behaviorists develop targeted treatment or behavior modification plans based on their observations and analysis. These plans are designed to address and correct specific behaviors, taking into account the unique personality and circumstances of each cat. Behaviorists also work closely with cat owners, educating them about their cat’s behavior, explaining the causes behind specific actions, and teaching them how to implement the behavior modification plan effectively.

They also often collaborate with veterinarians, especially if there’s a need to rule out or treat medical issues affecting behavior. Through these various roles, a cat behaviorist plays a vital part in improving the quality of life for cats and their owners, fostering better understanding and relationships between them.

Tools and Techniques Used by Cat Behaviorists

Cat behaviorists use a variety of tools and techniques to evaluate and modify feline behavior.

  1. Observation: One of the most crucial tools is observation. They carefully watch the cat in different scenarios, noting its reactions, habits, and behaviors. This can help them identify triggers or patterns that contribute to the behavior issue.
  2. Interviews: Interviewing the cat’s owner is another important technique. The owner can provide valuable insights into the cat’s routines, any changes in its environment, and its interactions with other pets or humans. This information, combined with the behaviorist’s observations, can aid in determining the root cause of a behavior problem.
  3. Clickers, Toys, and Treats: To facilitate behavior modification, behaviorists often use tools like clickers, toys, or treats. For instance, clicker training, which pairs the sound of a clicker with a reward, can be an effective way to reinforce positive behavior. Behaviorists also make use of environmental modifications such as changes in the arrangement of furniture, the use of cat trees, or separate feeding locations in multi-cat households.

Additionally, they might record data on the cat’s behavior before, during, and after the intervention to track progress and make necessary adjustments to their approach. Behaviorists tailor the choice of tools and techniques to the specific needs and characteristics of the cat, aiming to improve its well-being and promote harmonious cohabitation with its humans.

What Are Common Behavioral Problems Associated With Cats?

Cat behaviorists deal with a broad spectrum of feline behavior issues, some of which are quite common among household cats.

  1. Aggression, whether directed towards humans or other pets, is a common issue. This can manifest in various ways, from hissing and growling to scratching and biting. It’s the behaviorist’s job to understand the root cause of this aggression and develop a plan to manage it.
  2. Another frequent problem is inappropriate elimination, where a cat urinates or defecates outside the litter box. This behavior can be triggered by various factors, including medical issues, stress, or issues with the litter box itself (like its location, cleanliness, or type of litter used).
  3. Excessive vocalization is another behavior that cat behaviorists often deal with. While some breeds are naturally more vocal, sudden changes in vocalization patterns can be a sign of stress, medical problems, or other issues.
  4. Behaviorists commonly address compulsive behaviors in cats, which might include excessive grooming leading to bald patches, pacing, or repetitive actions without an apparent purpose. These behaviors often have complex underlying causes and addressing them requires a thorough understanding of feline behavior and patience to implement and fine-tune a behavior modification plan.

In each case, the cat behaviorist’s role is to determine the source of the problem, develop a tailored plan to modify the behavior and guide the cat owner in implementing this plan consistently and effectively.

When Should I See A Cat Behaviorist?

You should consider seeing a cat behaviorist when you notice changes or problems in your cat’s behavior that persist, worsen, or cause concern. Some common issues include aggression towards people or other pets, inappropriate elimination (urinating or defecating outside the litter box), compulsive behaviors (like over-grooming), excessive vocalization, fearfulness, or anxiety.

A cat behaviorist can also be helpful if you’re introducing a new pet into the household and want to ensure a smooth transition, or if you’ve recently adopted a cat and are having difficulties understanding its behavior.

If your cat’s behavior is causing stress or disrupting your household, a behaviorist can provide strategies and advice to improve the situation. Always remember, if there’s a sudden change in your cat’s behavior, it’s important to first rule out any underlying medical issues with a vet before seeking help from a behaviorist.


I’ve got to tell you, these cat behaviorists are quite a hoot! One minute they’re watching me play with a toy mouse, scribbling notes like I’m performing some feline Shakespeare, and the next, they’re trying to figure out why I’ve decided the top of the fridge is my new favorite nap spot. Humans, right? Always needing a ‘plan’ for my spontaneous genius! But I guess it’s nice to be the center of attention… until they bring out that dreaded carrier for a vet visit. Personally, I prefer to keep them guessing. #LifeOfAKitten #CatBehavioristChronicles #TopOfTheFridgeClub


Methods Used in Cat Behavior Modification

When it comes to modifying feline behavior, cat behaviorists utilize a variety of techniques and methods, often tailoring their approach to the individual cat and its specific issue.

Positive Reinforcement

One popular method is positive reinforcement, where desirable behaviors are rewarded, thus encouraging the cat to repeat them. Rewards can be treats, praise, or affection, depending on what the cat finds motivating. This technique is often used to teach new behaviors or encourage existing ones.

Another strategy is redirection, particularly for cats displaying inappropriate behaviors. For instance, if a cat has a habit of scratching furniture, it might be redirected toward a scratching post.

Desensitization and Counterconditioning

Other techniques used by cat behaviorists include desensitization and counterconditioning. Desensitization involves gradually exposing the cat to a stimulus that induces fear or anxiety at a low level, and over time, slowly increasing the intensity. Counterconditioning, on the other hand, is about changing the cat’s emotional response to a stimulus. For example, if a cat reacts aggressively to the sight of a carrier, a behaviorist might pair the sight of the carrier with something positive, like a favorite treat, thus changing the cat’s response over time.

Pheromones and Medications

In some situations, a behaviorist might consult with a veterinarian about using pheromone diffusers or medications to help manage behaviors. Pheromone diffusers can create a calming environment for cats, helping to reduce stress and anxiety-related behaviors. When other methods have been unsuccessful, we use medications as a last resort and always under the guidance of a veterinarian.

These behavior modification methods work best when used as part of a comprehensive plan that addresses the root causes of a behavior issue.

The Importance of a Cat Behaviorist in a Veterinary Team

A cat behaviorist plays a vital role within a veterinary team, as they focus on a crucial aspect of a cat’s well-being that extends beyond physical health: its behavior. Behavior is an important indicator of a cat’s overall health and happiness, and behavior issues can significantly impact the quality of life for both the cat and its owner.

A behaviorist works hand in hand with the veterinarian to provide a comprehensive approach to a cat’s care. While the vet focuses on diagnosing and treating physical ailments, the behaviorist addresses behavioral problems, which can sometimes be symptoms of underlying medical conditions. For instance, a cat that suddenly starts eliminating outside the litter box may be experiencing urinary tract issues, which would need medical intervention from a vet, while also needing behavioral guidance from the behaviorist.

Additionally, cat behaviorists can help prevent or mitigate behavior issues that may arise due to medical treatment. For example, a cat may become fearful or aggressive during vet visits, and a behaviorist can provide strategies to manage this anxiety.

As part of the veterinary team, a cat behaviorist gives as much attention to the cat’s mental and emotional health as its physical health, contributing to the overall well-being of the feline patient. The collaboration between behaviorists and veterinarians can help deliver a more holistic approach to feline care.

Challenges and Controversies in Cat Behaviorism

The field of cat behaviorism, like many others, faces its share of challenges and controversies. A significant challenge comes from the variability in cat behavior itself. Cats, much like people, have individual personalities and behaviors, making it impossible to apply a one-size-fits-all approach to behavior modification. This variability requires cat behaviorists to be adaptive and flexible, often requiring them to create bespoke strategies for each cat they work with.

Misconceptions about cat behavior also pose a significant challenge. Cats have often been labeled as aloof or independent, and their behaviors are frequently misunderstood. This can lead to a lack of awareness about the need for professional intervention in cases of behavioral issues, causing some problems to go unaddressed and potentially worsening over time.

In terms of controversies, disagreements often arise around the best methods for behavior modification. For instance, some professionals may advocate for a certain type of training technique, while others may view it as ineffective or potentially harmful.

There are also ethical debates surrounding certain aspects of cat behavior management, such as declawing. While some view it as a simple solution to unwanted scratching behavior, others see it as a harmful procedure causing unnecessary pain and potential behavioral problems.

These challenges and controversies are part of the evolving nature of cat behaviorism. As the field grows and research sheds light on best practices, we hope to resolve some of these issues, leading us toward more effective and universally accepted strategies in feline behavior management.

Future of Cat Behaviorism

The field of cat behaviorism continues to evolve, with new discoveries and techniques emerging regularly. As our understanding of cat behavior deepens, the role of the cat behaviorist is likely to become even more significant in pet care.

While it’s difficult to predict exactly what the future holds, it’s clear that cat behaviorists will continue to play a pivotal role in enhancing our understanding of our feline companions.


Cat behaviorists play a crucial role in understanding and managing feline behavior. From education to behavior modification, they do so much more than just “train” cats. As our appreciation for these professionals continues to grow, so too will our understanding and love for our feline friends.

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