Ah, the joys of being a new kitten parent! As adorable as those little balls of fur may be, they can also be quite the troublemakers with their sharp little claws and teeth. It’s not uncommon for kittens to scratch and bite, but that doesn’t mean it’s something you should just accept as part of the package. Following are some tips for training them to stop biting and scratching. We’ll also explore why kittens bite and scratch and when they usually outgrow the behavior.
When your kitten scratches and bites, there are a number of things that you can do. This is normal, but you can help your kitten learn appropriate behavior by providing plenty of toys, telling them “No!”, socializing them with other cats and humans, using positive reinforcement, using deterrents, and creating a calm environment.
Why Do Kittens Bite and Scratch?
First, let’s take a look at why kittens bite and scratch in the first place. For starters, it’s important to understand that kittens are very playful creatures who use their mouths and paws to explore and interact with the world around them. When they play with each other, they often bite and scratch, and it’s how they learn important social skills like bite inhibition and communication.
However, when they play with humans, it’s a different story. Kittens may bite or scratch because they’re overstimulated, scared, or simply want attention. It’s important to remember that they’re not trying to hurt you. They’re trying to communicate something.
Is It Normal for Cats to Scratch and Bite?
It’s perfectly normal for cats to scratch and bite. It’s part of their natural behavior and a way for them to mark their territory, communicate with other cats, and defend themselves. However, that doesn’t mean that you should just let your cat go wild and scratch up your furniture or bite your friends.
Kittens will always bite and scratch at least a little, so it’s worth the time, effort, and/or money to trim their nails (or have them trimmed by a professional). This will reduce the number of puncture wounds and blood loss caused by their little Wolverine claws.
#ProTip #MurderMittens
Why Does My Kitten Attack My Face?
Kittens are playful creatures who use their mouths and paws to explore the world around them. When they see your face, they might view it as an intriguing object to play with. After all, your face does have a lot of interesting features like your nose, eyes, and mouth. So, it’s not uncommon for kittens to attack your face out of curiosity and playfulness.
Kittens are also notorious for having a lot of energy and getting overexcited during playtime. So, if your kitten is attacking your face, it could be a sign that they’re just so darn excited to play with you. They might not even realize that they’re hurting you in the process.
However, it’s not all fun and games. Your kitten might also be attacking your face out of fear or feeling threatened. If they’re feeling overwhelmed or scared, they might lash out and attack your face as a way of defending themselves. Remember, your kitten is not trying to be aggressive or malicious, but rather they’re just trying to protect themselves.
What Does It Mean When Your Kitten Bites and Scratches You?
When your kitten bites or scratches you, it could mean a few different things. They may be trying to play with you, but don’t understand that their claws and teeth are too sharp. They may also be trying to communicate that they’re scared or uncomfortable with something you’re doing.
If your kitten scratches and bites you during play, it’s important to let them know that it’s not okay. You can do this by yelping or making a loud noise to startle them, then immediately stopping the play session. This will help them learn that biting and scratching equals the end of playtime.
If your kitten bites or scratches you outside of play, it’s important to try to figure out what’s causing the behavior. Are they scared or overstimulated? Are they trying to get your attention? Once you figure out the root cause, you can start working on training them to stop.

I used to love chewing on my Dad’s toes, especially at night when he likes to play dead. I don’t get to do that much anymore though, since my Mom brought Joey home. That kid wears me out. #KittyPlaytimeMakesMeSleepy #LittleBrothersAreLame
At What Age Do Kittens Stop Biting and Scratching?
Kittens usually start to outgrow their biting and scratching phase around 4-6 months old. This is because they start to develop better control over their movements and their teeth and claws start to dull. However, this doesn’t mean that you should just wait it out and hope for the best. It’s important to start training your kitten as soon as possible to help them learn what is and isn’t acceptable behavior.
Kitten Biting Phase: How To Get Your Kitten To Stop Biting and Scratching
Kittens love to play and explore with their mouths and paws. If you’re dealing with a kitten who likes to bite and scratch, here are some tips for stopping this behavior:
- Provide Plenty of Toys: Kittens love to play, so make sure you have plenty of toys on hand to keep them entertained. Toys like wand toys, balls, and interactive toys can help keep your kitten occupied and prevent them from getting bored and turning to your fingers and toes for entertainment.
- Tell Them “No!”: Just like a child, a kitten needs to be told “No!” when it does something wrong. If your kitten scratches walls or furniture, tell them “No!”. If your kitten scratches and bites you, tell them “No!”, say “Ouch!”, or make another loud noise to reinforce that their behavior is unacceptable. It’s important to note, however, that you shouldn’t yell or shout. Your kitten won’t understand and you may just end up creating a fearful furball.
- Give Them a Time-Out: Stop playing with your kitten immediately if it bites or scratches you. Walk away for at least a few minutes to make sure it understands that biting and scratching will result in the end of playtime.
- Train Them to Use a Scratching Post: Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, so it’s important to provide them with an appropriate outlet for it. Invest in a good scratching post or two and encourage your kitten to use it by placing it near where they like to hang out.
- Socialization: Socializing your kitten with other cats and humans can help them learn proper behavior. When they interact with other cats, they learn how to play and communicate without hurting each other. When they interact with humans, they learn what is and isn’t acceptable behavior.
- Use Positive Reinforcement: When your kitten exhibits good behavior, be sure to reward them with praise and treats. This will help reinforce that good behavior and encourage them to continue it.
- Use Deterrents: If your kitten continues to bite or scratch despite your best efforts, you may need to use deterrents. Products like bitter apple spray or double-sided tape can help discourage your kitten from scratching or biting certain areas. However, be sure to only use safe and humane deterrents.
- Create a Calm Environment: An anxious kitten is more likely to scratch and bite. Making sure that your little ball of fur has all the right resources will help reduce its stress levels. This includes food, water, litter boxes, toys, scratching posts, and places to play. Try to limit loud noises or any other activities (like vacuuming) that may startle or otherwise upset your kitten.
- Get Them A Friend: As strange as it may sound, getting your kitten a friend can sometimes help to stop biting and scratching behavior. This behavior can often be the result of too much energy. Having a playmate can help your kitten to get rid of this excess energy and reduce their need to bite and scratch. As a nice side benefit, now you have two kittens!
- See Your Vet: If you can’t seem to get your kitten to stop biting and scratching, take your little ball of energy to see the vet. There may be something wrong that is causing your kitten discomfort, and as a result, is causing the unwanted behavior.
What to Do if a Kitten Bites You
If your kitten bites you, it’s important to clean the wound thoroughly and monitor it for signs of infection. If the wound is deep or bleeding heavily, seek medical attention immediately. For a minor wound, clean it with soap and warm water and apply an antiseptic ointment. Monitor the wound for redness, swelling, or pus, which may be signs of infection.
It’s also important to address the root cause of the biting behavior. If your kitten is biting out of fear or aggression, it’s important to work with a professional trainer to address the behavior and prevent it from escalating.
Biting and scratching is a normal behavior for kittens. However, it’s important to train them to exhibit proper behavior. By providing plenty of toys, socializing them with other cats and humans, and using positive reinforcement, you can help your kitten learn appropriate behavior. And if your kitten does bite or scratch you, be sure to clean the wound thoroughly and address the root cause of the behavior. With patience and consistency, you can help your kitten become a well-behaved and loving companion.
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