Why Is My Kitten Biting and Dragging My Blanket?

Kitten with blanket.

As a kitten owner, you may have noticed that your furry friend has a tendency to bite, chew, and drag blankets around. Biting and dragging can be both cute and frustrating, but it’s important to understand why your kitten is doing it.

Your kitten’s behavior of biting, chewing, and dragging blankets is entirely normal and natural. It can be a sign of playfulness, teething, nest-building instinct, affection, and contentment.

Biting and Dragging Blankets

One reason your kitten may be biting and dragging your blanket is that it is a natural instinct. Kittens are born with a strong urge to hunt and play, and blankets can provide an ideal target for them to practice their skills. The soft material is perfect for biting, clawing, and grabbing, mimicking the movements of prey. This behavior is entirely normal, and as long as your kitten is not damaging the blanket or hurting anyone, there’s no reason to be concerned.

Biting Bed Sheets

You may have also seen this in their behavior toward bed sheets. Bed sheets are particularly appealing to kittens because they can be grabbed, clawed, and pulled, mimicking the movements of prey. These are their predatory instincts, which are important for survival in the wild.

Playing with bed sheets and blankets can also be a form of exercise for kittens. As they pounce, bite, and claw at the material, they are burning off energy and building strength in their muscles. This is important for their development, as it helps them to become more coordinated and agile.

Another factor that may contribute to a kitten’s tendency to bite, attack, and play with bed sheets is their need for stimulation. Kittens are curious and adventurous creatures, and they need plenty of mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. Bed sheets and blankets can provide a source of entertainment and stimulation, as they are a new and interesting object for kittens to explore.

It’s important to note that while this behavior is natural, it can also become problematic if it is not properly directed. If a kitten is allowed to play with bed sheets and blankets without any boundaries or limitations, they may start to view all fabric objects as fair game. This can lead to them clawing and biting other fabrics around the house, such as curtains and upholstery, which can be both frustrating and damaging.

It can also be potentially dangerous. There and many common household items that are poisonous to cats and kittens, including string and yarn.


How Can I Get My Cat To Stop Biting The Bed?

To discourage your cat from biting the bed, there are a few things you can do.

  1. Provide your cat with plenty of appropriate toys and scratching posts to redirect their energy and focus. This will give them an appropriate outlet for their natural instincts and help to prevent them from turning to the bed as a target.
  2. Try providing your cat with more mental and physical stimulation. Play with them regularly, offer interactive toys, and give them plenty of opportunities to explore their environment. This will help to keep them entertained and prevent boredom-related behaviors like biting the bed.
  3. You may need to take more drastic measures to discourage the behavior, such as placing double-sided tape or aluminum foil on the bed to make it less appealing. You can also try using deterrent sprays or devices that emit a loud noise or spray a harmless burst of air when your cat approaches the bed.

It’s important to be patient and consistent when trying to discourage this behavior. Cats can be creatures of habit, and it may take time for them to learn that biting the bed is not acceptable. Praise and reward them when they engage in appropriate behavior and redirect their attention when you catch them in the act.

Read also: How Do I Get My Kitten To Stop Biting and Scratching?

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Teething is a natural process that all kittens go through, and it can be a challenging time for both the kitten and its owner. Kittens start losing their baby teeth at around 12 weeks old and will have all their adult teeth by six months old. During this time, their gums may be sore, and they may be looking for things to chew on to relieve the discomfort. This is why kittens may chew on blankets, furniture, and other household items during their teething phase. They may also chew on electrical cords and wires.

Creating A Nest

If your kitten is dragging a blanket around, it may be due to their natural instinct to create a nest. In the wild, cats will create nests in order to protect their young and keep them warm. Even though your cat may not have any offspring, they still have the instinct to create a safe and comfortable space for themselves.

A blanket can provide a soft and warm surface for them to curl up on. By dragging it around, they can manipulate the material to create the perfect spot for themselves. They may knead the blanket with their paws, push it around with their nose, and arrange it just so in order to create a cozy, comfortable space. Once they have created the perfect spot, they may curl up and go to sleep, or they may continue to adjust the blanket until it’s just right.

Territorial Instincts

Another reason why cats may drag blankets around is related to their territorial instincts. Cats are creatures of habit and routine, and they may develop a strong attachment to certain objects or areas in their environment. Your kitten may be marking your blanket as their territory and signaling to other cats (even if there are none) that this space belongs to them.

Winston biting Mom's blanket.
Winston biting Mom’s blanket.

I’ll show my humans who’s boss. They think they can keep me from biting their fancy things, but they can’t stop me from chewing Mom’s blanket! #KittenLife #FierceHunter #SoSoftAndChewy #CaughtInTheAct


It’s Just Fun!

It’s also possible that your kitten simply enjoys the sensation of dragging a blanket around. The soft material may feel good against their paws and provide a satisfying sensory experience. This is similar to how some cats enjoy kneading blankets or other soft objects.

If your cat is dragging a blanket around excessively or damaging the blanket in the process, it may be a sign of an underlying issue. For example, if your cat is feeling anxious or stressed, it may start to engage in destructive behaviors as a way to cope. If you notice this type of behavior in your cat, it’s important to address the underlying cause and provide them with appropriate outlets for their energy and anxiety.

Kneading and Purring

When your cat bites your blanket while kneading it and purring, it’s a sign that they are feeling happy and content. Kneading is a behavior that cats learn as kittens when they nurse from their mother. It involves pushing their paws in and out against a soft surface, like your blanket, which can help stimulate the mammary glands and promote milk flow. Even though your cat is no longer nursing, they may continue to knead as a way to show affection and comfort.

Purring is also a sign of contentment and happiness in cats. When your cat is purring while biting your blanket, it’s likely that they are feeling relaxed and comfortable. The act of biting may be a way for them to express their affection for the blanket and show that it’s a part of their nest. Again, as long as your cat is not causing any damage to the blanket or hurting anyone, there’s no need to worry.


Your kitten’s behavior of biting, chewing, and dragging blankets is entirely normal and natural. It can be a sign of playfulness, teething, nest-building instinct, affection, and contentment. As a kitten owner, it’s important to provide your furry friend with appropriate chew toys, a soft and comfortable bed, and plenty of playtime and attention. By understanding your kitten’s behavior, you can create a happy and healthy environment for them to thrive.

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