Why Is My Cat Sleeping in the Litter Box?

Cat laying in litter box

Isn’t it fascinating how cats always keep us on our toes with their quirky behavior? If you’ve ever wondered why your cat is sleeping in the litter box, you’re not alone. This peculiar habit of cats can often leave cat parents puzzled. But don’t worry, we’re here to solve this mystery by exploring the possible reasons behind it and suggesting what can be done to address it. Keeping our cats happy and healthy means understanding them, so let’s dive in!

Overview of Cat Behavior

Cats are creatures of habit, with routines that can be fairly predictable once you get to know them. They’re experts at finding the coziest nooks for their many naps and are usually more active when the rest of the world sleeps. Among all their favorite spots in your home, the litter box serves a specific purpose – a restroom. So, when you see your cat choosing to sleep in the litter, it can indeed raise some eyebrows.

So, Why Is My Cat Sleeping in the Litter Box?

The reasons why your cat may be sleeping in the litter box can include health issues, psychological reasons, and environmental factors. Being observant of your cat’s behavior can help you catch any changes early and seek professional help when needed.

Health Concerns: Medical Reasons Why Cats Might Sleep in Their Litter Box

Now, if your cat starts to spend more time hanging out or even sleeping in the litter box, some health concerns might be the culprits. For example, urinary tract infections (UTIs) in cats can cause them to have a frequent urge to urinate. This can lead them to stay near or even sleep in the litter box for convenience. If you notice your cat using the litter box more than usual or seeming uncomfortable while doing so, a UTI could be the cause.

Then, there are gastrointestinal issues. Just like humans, cats can have tummy troubles that can cause them to remain close to their litter box. Changes in your cat’s eating habits or inconsistencies in their stool can be a sign of such issues.

Another condition to consider is Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD). Cats with FLUTD can find urinating painful and might decide to stay close to their litter box. If you see changes in your cat’s urine, like its color or smell, it’s time for a check-up with the vet.

Psychological Reasons Why Cats Might Sleep in Their Litter Box

Sometimes, the reason your cat may sleep in the litter box lies in its mental health. Cats can experience stress, which can lead to changes in their behavior, including where they choose to sleep. If there have been changes in their environment, it might stress your cat out, causing it to find comfort in its litter box.

Cats can also experience anxiety, which could lead them to seek solace in their litter box. Signs of anxiety in cats can include avoidance of human interaction, excessive grooming, and yes, choosing to sleep in the litter.

Another psychological aspect to consider is territory. Cats can be territorial creatures, and if they feel their space is threatened, they may decide to sleep in the litter box.

Get our ebook ‘The Litter Box Cure’ here!

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Environmental Factors That Can Influence Cat Behavior

Environmental changes can also cause your cat to start sleeping in the litter box. If you’ve moved to a new place, rearranged furniture, or made any other significant changes, it could cause your cat some stress, leading to this peculiar behavior.

Similarly, if you’ve recently introduced a new pet or a new family member, your cat might feel threatened and seek refuge in their litter box. Additionally, if your cat doesn’t have a cozy and safe place to sleep, they might resort to the litter box instead.

Winston sleeping (but not in the litter box)

Dear Joey, Yesterday, I discovered a new fun spot for my naps – the litter box! I know, sounds wild, right? But hear me out. It’s like a tiny sandbox all to myself! Cozy, private, and with a built-in restroom, talk about convenience! I even found some peculiar buried treasures in there. If you ever try it out, just remember to steer clear of the ‘clumps’. Trust me on that one. #LifeLessons #BuriedTreasure #DirtyKitty #WatchOutForTheClumps


How Do I Get My Cat to Stop Sleeping in the Litter Box?

Alright, so you’ve figured out why your cat might be sleeping in the litter box, but how do you get them to stop? Here are some steps you can take to help discourage this behavior:

  1. Visit the Vet: If you notice your cat sleeping in the litter box, the first thing you should do is schedule a vet appointment. This behavior can sometimes signal one of the health issues we discussed earlier. Your vet can perform an examination to rule out these and other medical issues.
  2. Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Identify and reduce sources of stress for your furball. This could mean reducing loud noises, maintaining a consistent routine, or making sure your cat has plenty of time for play and relaxation.
  3. Provide Comfortable Sleeping Areas: Make sure your cat has plenty of comfortable, warm spots to sleep in around your home. Provide cat beds, blankets, or even a heated pad to give your cat other appealing places to snooze.
  4. Address Territorial Disputes: Cats are territorial animals. If you have multiple cats, sleeping in the litter box might be how your cat claims its territory. If so, provide multiple litter boxes. The general rule is to have one more litter box than the number of cats in your home.
  5. Behavioral Training: If your cat continues to sleep in the litter box, consider working with a feline behavioral expert. They can provide further insights into why your cat is engaging in this behavior and offer strategies to discourage it.

It’s important to be patient with your cat during this process. Changing behaviors takes time. Continue to provide lots of love and comfort to your cat. They’ll be more likely to feel secure and happy, and less likely to sleep in their litter box.


Wrapping up, it’s clear that this behavior can be attributed to a variety of health, psychological, and environmental factors. It’s crucial that as cat owners, we stay observant and responsive to changes in our feline friends’ behaviors. By paying attention to the signs, you can better determine whether it’s time to schedule a visit to the vet, or if there are changes needed in your cat’s environment or routine.

Consider the tips and steps provided as your action plan moving forward. Remember, the first step is always to rule out any potential health issues with a vet. After that, focus on your cat’s environment, ensuring they have plenty of comfortable, warm spots to snooze, and their routine is as stress-free as possible. And in cases where the behavior persists, don’t hesitate to reach out to a feline behavioral expert. With patience, understanding, and a proactive approach, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring your feline friend enjoys a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Cat Sleeping In Litter Box | A veterinarian explains why

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