Should I Brush My Cat’s Teeth?

Your cat’s dental well-being plays a crucial role in its overall health, and as a responsible pet owner, it’s vital to consider the importance of dental care for your furry companion. While it can be a challenge to brush your cat’s teeth, the health benefits are numerous. If that isn’t a good enough reason, brushing your cat’s teeth can also help prevent stinky kitty breath. That’s worth the price of admission by itself! Let’s explore the issue in more detail.

Should I Brush My Cat’s Teeth?

Absolutely! You should brush your cat’s teeth. Regular tooth brushing plays a significant role in maintaining your cat’s dental health, helping to prevent plaque build-up, tartar, and dental issues like periodontal disease.

While it might take some time and patience to get your cat accustomed to the process, brushing their teeth can have long-lasting benefits for their overall well-being. Additionally, incorporating tooth brushing into your cat’s routine can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for expensive dental treatments.

Benefits of Brushing Your Cat’s Teeth

Prevention of Plaque and Tartar Build-up

Brushing your cat’s teeth routinely can help inhibit the accumulation of plaque and tartar. Plaque, a film of bacteria that forms on the teeth, can harden into tartar if left unaddressed. This can lead to gum inflammation, known as gingivitis, and eventually periodontal disease.

Reducing the Risk of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, a common dental ailment in cats, can result in tooth loss, pain, and even severe health complications if left untreated. By brushing your cat’s teeth, you can minimize the risk of this debilitating disease and ensure that your feline friend maintains a healthy mouth.

Prevention of Bad Breath

Foul-smelling breath, or halitosis, is often a sign of dental issues in cats. Regular tooth brushing can help prevent bad breath by removing food particles and bacteria from the mouth, keeping your cat’s breath fresh and clean.

Early Detection of Dental Issues

When you consistently brush your cat’s teeth, you become familiar with their oral anatomy. This familiarity can help you identify any abnormalities or potential dental problems early on, allowing for prompt veterinary intervention.

Strengthening the Bond Between Cat and Owner

Though it may take some time and patience, tooth brushing can become a positive, bonding experience between you and your cat. By establishing trust and creating a consistent routine, you can foster a stronger connection with your feline companion.

How Often Should You Brush a Cat’s Teeth?

In order to maintain optimal oral health for your cat, it is advised that you brush their teeth as frequently as possible. Ideally, you should aim to brush your cat’s teeth on a daily basis. However, if daily brushing proves to be too challenging or time-consuming, you can still provide adequate dental care by brushing your cat’s teeth several times a week. Keep in mind that the more consistent and regular the tooth brushing routine, the better it is for your cat’s overall dental health.

Challenges of Brushing a Cat’s Teeth

Cats’ Natural Resistance to Having Their Mouths Handled

Many cats are initially resistant to having their mouths touched or manipulated. This instinctive aversion can make introducing tooth brushing a challenging endeavor for both the cat and its owner.

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Difficulty in Introducing Tooth Brushing as a Routine

Integrating tooth brushing into your cat’s daily life can be a challenging task, as it requires consistency, patience, and a gradual introduction to ensure the cat becomes accustomed to the process.

Time and Patience Required from the Cat Owner

Tooth brushing is not a quick and easy task, especially in the beginning. It requires dedication and persistence from the cat owner to establish a successful routine.

Identifying the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste for Cats

Selecting the appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste for your cat is a vital part of the process. Human toothpaste can be harmful to cats, so it’s necessary to find a suitable alternative specifically designed for feline use.

What Is the Easiest Way to Brush a Cat’s Teeth?

To make brushing your cat’s teeth as easy and stress-free as possible, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the right time: Pick a quiet, calm time of day when both you and your cat are relaxed. Avoid attempting to brush your cat’s teeth when they are agitated, frightened, or otherwise stressed.
  2. Get the right tools: Use a toothbrush specifically designed for cats, featuring soft bristles and a size suitable for your cat’s mouth. Select a toothpaste formulated for felines, as human toothpaste can be harmful to cats.
  3. Gradual introduction: Familiarize your cat with the sensation of having its mouth touched by gently handling its mouth and rubbing its teeth with your finger. Progress slowly, allowing your cat to sniff and taste the toothpaste before applying it to the toothbrush.
  4. Gentle restraint: Hold your cat securely but gently in your lap, ensuring they feel safe and comfortable. If your cat is more relaxed on a stable surface like a countertop, you can try brushing its teeth there as well.
  5. Proper brushing technique: Gently lift your cat’s lip to expose its teeth. Using a 45-degree angle, brush in small, circular motions, focusing on the gum line and outer surfaces of the teeth. Be gentle, and patient, and aim to brush for 30 seconds on each side of their mouth.
  6. Reward and praise: Offer your cat praise, petting, or a treat after the tooth brushing session to create a positive association and reinforce good behavior.
  7. Consistency: Establish a regular tooth brushing routine, ideally on a daily basis, to maintain your cat’s dental health.

Remember, patience and persistence are essential in successfully incorporating tooth brushing into your cat’s routine.

What Toothpaste Is Safe for Cats?

To ensure your cat’s safety and well-being, it’s important to use toothpaste specifically formulated for felines. Cat toothpaste is designed to be safe for cats to swallow, as they are unable to spit it out as humans can. These kinds of toothpaste often contain enzymes that help break down plaque and tartar. They also have appealing flavors like chicken or fish to encourage your cat’s acceptance of the tooth-brushing process.

Human toothpaste is not safe for cats. It often contains ingredients such as fluoride, xylitol, and other substances that can be toxic to cats if ingested. Additionally, the foaming agents and strong minty flavors can be unpleasant and potentially harmful for your cat.

When selecting toothpaste for your cat, look for products specifically labeled as cat-safe or pet-safe and approved by a reputable organization such as the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC). Consult your veterinarian for recommendations on the best toothpaste for your cat based on their individual needs and preferences.

Winston looking perplexed

Oh, fantastic. Mom’s at it again… poking around in my mouth with some weird goop on her finger. Am I not choking enough for you? What is it with these humans? Every time I turn around, they’re sticking something in one of my holes. #JustLetMeNap #LeaveMyTeethAlone #TastesLikeChicken


Is It OK If I Don’t Brush My Cat’s Teeth?

While it is highly recommended to brush your cat’s teeth, there are alternative methods you can employ if tooth brushing proves to be too challenging or if your cat is resistant to the process. Skipping tooth brushing doesn’t necessarily mean your cat will suffer from dental problems. However, it can increase the risk of developing issues such as plaque, tartar, and periodontal disease.

How Do I Keep My Cat’s Teeth Clean Without Brushing?

To help maintain your cat’s dental health without tooth brushing, you can explore alternative options. These include as dental chews, treats, toys, or specially formulated dental food that can mechanically clean their teeth. Additionally, using water additives designed for feline dental care can also assist in promoting oral hygiene. Regular veterinary dental check-ups remain important in monitoring your cat’s dental health and addressing any potential issues that may arise.

Dental Chews and Treats

Dental chews and treats are formulated to help reduce plaque and tartar build-up by mechanically cleaning the teeth as your cat chews. These products can be a helpful addition to your cat’s dental care routine.

Dental Toys and Food

Special dental toys and food can assist in maintaining your cat’s oral health. This is accomplished by encouraging chewing and scraping the teeth, which can help remove plaque and tartar.

Regular Veterinary Dental Check-ups

Scheduling regular dental check-ups with your veterinarian is a crucial aspect of maintaining your cat’s oral health. A veterinary professional can assess your cat’s dental condition and provide appropriate treatments as needed.

Water Additives for Dental Health

Water additives, specifically designed for feline dental care, can be added to your cat’s drinking water to help combat plaque and tartar build-up. These additives can also aid in freshening your cat’s breath and promoting overall oral health.

Affiliate link: Oxyfresh Premium Pet Dental Care Solution Pet Water Additive

Pros and Cons of Alternative Options

While alternative dental care options can be beneficial in maintaining your cat’s oral health, they may not be as effective as regular tooth brushing. It’s crucial to evaluate the efficacy of these alternatives and consider incorporating them alongside brushing to provide the best dental care for your cat.

Do Greenies Actually Work for Cats?

Greenies dental treats for cats can be an effective part of your cat’s dental care routine. These treats are designed to help reduce plaque and tartar build-up. They do this through a combination of their shape, texture, and active ingredients. As your cat chews on a Greenie, the treat’s texture can help scrape away plaque from the teeth. The active ingredients work to freshen your cat’s breath and promote overall oral health.

It’s important to note that Greenies and other dental treats should not be considered a complete solution for your cat’s dental care. They can be a helpful addition to a comprehensive dental care routine that may include regular tooth brushing, dental diets, and routine veterinary check-ups.

Affiliate Link: Feline Greenies Adult Dental Cat Treats, Oven Roasted Chicken Flavor, 9.75 oz (Highly recommended by both Winston and Joey!)

At What Age Do Cats Need Dental Cleaning?

Cats can benefit from dental cleanings at various stages of their lives. It’s generally recommended to start introducing dental care when they are still kittens. At around 6 to 8 months of age, kittens have fully developed their adult teeth. This is an appropriate time to begin familiarizing them with the process of tooth brushing and other dental care practices.

By starting early, you can help your cat become accustomed to the routine and reduce the likelihood of dental issues developing as they age. However, if you adopt an older cat, it’s never too late to start implementing dental care. It’s important to consult your veterinarian for personalized advice on dental cleanings and care based on your cat’s age, breed, and specific needs.

When to Consult a Veterinarian

Signs of Dental Issues in Cats

If you notice symptoms such as bad breath, drooling, difficulty eating, pawing at the mouth, or bleeding gums, consult your veterinarian. These can be indicators of dental problems.

Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups

Scheduling regular dental check-ups with your veterinarian can help identify and address any dental issues before they become serious problems.

Professional Dental Cleanings and Treatments

Your veterinarian may recommend professional dental cleanings or treatments for your cat. This is especially true if they have a history of dental issues or are prone to plaque and tartar build-up.

Is It Too Late to Brush My Cat’s Teeth?

It’s never too late to start brushing your cat’s teeth and working towards improving their dental health. While it’s true that introducing dental care routines at an early age can be beneficial, older cats can still adapt to tooth brushing with patience and persistence.

Be mindful that older cats may have existing dental issues or sensitivities. As such, it’s crucial to be gentle and attentive to their reactions during the process. Consulting your veterinarian for guidance and recommendations on dental care for older cats is important to ensure you’re providing the best care for their specific needs. Remember, consistency and patience are key to successfully incorporating tooth brushing into your cat’s routine, regardless of their age.


It’s crucial to weigh the benefits and challenges of brushing your cat’s teeth in order to make an informed decision about your cat’s dental care. Taking into account your cat’s individual needs and preferences, as well as the importance of maintaining their overall health and well-being, can guide you in providing the best dental care for your furry friend.

Should I Brush My Cat’s Teeth?

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