Can I Treat My Cat for Worms Without Going to the Vet?


If you’re a cat owner, you’re probably familiar with cat worms, a common health issue that affects our furry companions. Worm infestations can cause various problems in cats, from mild discomfort to severe health conditions. But don’t worry, this comprehensive guide will walk you through how to deal with these pesky parasites, including how to use over-the-counter treatments and when to seek professional help. So, whether you’re a seasoned cat parent or a newbie in the feline world, let’s dive in and learn more about protecting our cats from worms.

Understanding Worm Infestations in Cats

Worm infestations, unfortunately, are pretty standard issues in cats. The four types that most commonly affect our furry friends are roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, and lungworms.

  1. Roundworms are the most common and can grow up to four inches long. Kittens can get them from their mother’s milk, while adult cats can get them from prey or infected feces.
  2. Tapeworms are long, flat worms that attach themselves to your cat’s intestines. Cats often get them from fleas or from hunting.
  3. Hookworms are small, thin worms that hook onto the intestinal wall. They are less common but can cause significant health problems.
  4. Lungworms live in the lungs of a cat, causing respiratory issues. They are less common than the other types but still pose a health risk.

What are the Symptoms of Worms in Cats?

Worms can cause a range of symptoms in your cat, from visible signs like worms in the feces or around the anus, vomiting, diarrhea, and a potbellied appearance, to more subtle ones like weight loss, dull coat, changes in appetite, and lethargy. Severe infestations can lead to serious health problems like anemia and intestinal blockage.

Do Cat Worms Go Away Without Treatment?

No, cat worms typically do not go away without treatment. Worms are parasites that need a host to survive and will continue to live and reproduce within a cat’s body if left untreated. In fact, worm infestations can worsen over time without appropriate intervention, leading to serious health issues.

Prevention of Worm Infestations

While we’re focusing on treatment, let’s not forget that the best way to deal with worms is to avoid them in the first place! Keeping your cat’s living area clean, restricting outdoor play in high-risk areas, providing a proper diet, and using preventative medication can all help reduce the risk of worm infestations.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Deworming Treatments

There are numerous OTC deworming treatments available for your cat, and these mainly come in two forms: oral and topical.

  1. Oral treatments are typically administered in pill or liquid form and are designed to kill the worms living in your cat’s system. These can be an effective way to combat infestations, but they may not be the best choice for fussy or anxious cats who resist taking medication.
  2. Topical treatments are applied to the skin and are absorbed into the cat’s bloodstream, where they eliminate worms. They can be easier to administer than oral treatments, especially for cats that resist medication.

However, using these OTC treatments requires careful consideration. Not all products are equally effective against all types of worms, and some may have side effects. It’s important to carefully read the product information and follow the recommended dosage.

How to Administer OTC Deworming Treatments

Administering treatments requires a little bit of finesse.

For oral treatments, follow these steps:

  1. Read the instructions on the product packaging for the correct dosage based on your cat’s weight.
  2. Hold your cat securely but gently. You may need a second person to help with this.
  3. Open your cat’s mouth and quickly insert the pill or administer the liquid medication. If it’s a pill, you can hide it in a treat or use a pill dispenser to make the process easier.
  4. Give your cat a treat or lots of praise after the medication, so they associate it with a positive experience.

For topical treatments, here’s what you do:

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  1. Check the product packaging for the correct dosage.
  2. Part your cat’s fur at the base of the neck, where they can’t easily lick it off.
  3. Apply the treatment directly onto the skin, ensuring it doesn’t just sit on the fur.
  4. Allow the treatment to dry naturally.

During this process, always observe your cat for any adverse reactions to the treatment.

Winston dispensing wisdom

Dear Joey, Let me tell you about a thing called “the worms”. Trust me, it’s no party. Imagine, one moment you’re lounging on your favorite pillow, the next moment you feel like there’s a dance party happening in your belly. And not the fun kind with treats and laser pointers. No, it’s more like a bunch of uninvited, wiggly guests throwing a rave. But don’t worry, our human servants have these magic treats that send the pesky party crashers packing. #BellyRaveOver #DewormingTime


How Can I Deworm My Cat at Home Naturally?

Here are a few commonly suggested natural methods:

  1. Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds are often recommended because they contain an amino acid called cucurbitacin, which is believed to help eliminate some types of worms from the digestive tract. To use pumpkin seeds, grind them up into a fine powder and sprinkle them on your cat’s food.
  2. Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth: Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder made from tiny fossilized aquatic organisms and is said to help eliminate a variety of internal and external parasites. It should be sprinkled on your cat’s food in small amounts. Make sure to use only food-grade diatomaceous earth and not the type used for pool filtration.
  3. Wormwood Herbal Remedies: Wormwood is a traditional herbal remedy for intestinal parasites. However, it’s potentially toxic and should be used in small amounts and for a short duration. It is typically administered as a tea or tincture.
  4. Carrots or Carrot Juice: Some pet owners give their cats finely shredded carrots or carrot juice to help clear the digestive tract and remove any worms or worm larvae.

Always remember that “natural” doesn’t necessarily mean safe. Many natural substances can be harmful or toxic to cats, and they may not effectively eliminate all types of worms. For example, garlic is often suggested as a natural dewormer. However, garlic can be toxic to cats, causing a condition called Heinz body anemia. As such, it’s usually not recommended for deworming cats.

In severe cases, untreated worm infestations can lead to serious health problems, including anemia, weight loss, and malnutrition, so professional veterinary treatment is often the best course of action.

Will Apple Cider Vinegar Get Rid of Worms in Cats?

While apple cider vinegar (ACV) has many proposed health benefits and is popular as a natural home remedy for various ailments in humans, it should not be used as a deworming treatment for cats.

It’s believed that the acidity of apple cider vinegar could potentially help create an inhospitable environment for parasites in the digestive tract, but this is mostly speculative. ACV may also have probiotic properties, supporting a healthy gut flora, which could indirectly contribute to the overall health and immunity of your cat. However, it’s not a substitute for professional veterinary care or proven deworming treatments.

Moreover, cats are sensitive to acetic acid, the main component of vinegar. Large amounts of undiluted apple cider vinegar can irritate or even damage a cat’s skin, mouth, and digestive tract. If you’re considering using ACV as part of your cat’s diet, it’s vital to first consult with your veterinarian to ensure it’s safe and suitable for your pet.

When to Consult a Vet

While OTC or natural treatments can be effective, they should not replace regular veterinary care. There are situations where immediate consultation with a vet is necessary, such as when your cat is very young, very old, pregnant, or suffering from a severe worm infestation. A vet can diagnose the specific type of worm infestation and provide the best treatment plan, which home solutions might not cover.

Remember, regular vet check-ups play a crucial role in maintaining your cat’s health. They can catch potential issues early, including worm infestations, and provide appropriate treatment before the situation becomes serious.


In the world of cat care, worm infestations can be an unpleasant reality. While there are ways to treat your cat at home with OTC deworming treatments, it’s important to approach this with careful consideration and knowledge. But above all, don’t neglect the valuable role of a vet in your cat’s overall health and well-being. Be the best pet parent you can be and ensure your furry friend gets the care they need.

Cat Tapeworms: Dr. Dan Veterinary talks tapeworms. Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

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